Acting in Zeko...

You have browsed our site and discoveredthe immediate benefits for the climate andpurchasing power of the “Minus Ten attitude “. You are now ready to take your foot off the gas pedal and become a “Minus Ten” Zeko. You are almost there and you still have to choose the number of stars you want to associate with your new practice…

zekomobilistes reduce speed gain fuel

And with how many stars?


I declare myself

If you’re aiming for your first star, simple, I make it a habit to drop my speed by 10 km/h on all roads where the limit is currently 90 km/h and above. In the wake of this, it continues by declaring itself to practice the “Minus Ten”. You will see a simple trick that takes a few seconds where we count those who have decided to take the “Minus Ten Attitude”. Our visibility depends on it…it is important for the project. And even if you were already a Minus Ten before you discovered the initiative, your registration will help us promote the concept. Thank you…


I declare myself

If you’re aiming for your first star, simple, I make it a habit to drop my speed by 10 km/h on all roads where the limit is currently 90 km/h and above. In the wake of this, it continues by declaring itself to practice the “Minus Ten”. You will see a simple trick that takes a few seconds where we count those who have decided to take the “Minus Ten Attitude”. Our visibility depends on it…it is important for the project. And even if you were already a Minus Ten before you discovered the initiative, your registration will help us promote the concept. Thank you…


I broadcast around me

If you are a “Minus 10” two star, you can also spread the information around you and explain the process. We are sure that you have already forwarded much worse on your respective networks … The goal is obviously to make our concept known.



I broadcast
around me

If you are a “Minus 10” two star, you can also spread the information around you and explain the process. We are sure that you have already forwarded much worse on your respective networks … The goal is obviously to make our concept known.



I show my commitment

If you are aiming for 3 stars, you can also show your
commitment by installing the sticker on your vehicle or elsewhere
“Minus 10”. It is totally free of copyright. It will show
your commitment and will help to share this initiative.


I display
my commitment

If you are aiming for 3 stars, you can also show your
commitment by installing the sticker on your vehicle or elsewhere
“Minus 10”. It is totally free of copyright. It will show
your commitment and will help to share this initiative.

What if I want to join the Zeko Collective?

Here we forget about the stars, we offer you a whole galaxy. Indeed, to take our project to other horizons, we will need to expand our teams. All talents and good wills are welcome. The initial requirements are detailed in our FAQ.

If you want to participate fully in the adventure, please use the contact form and indicate in the heading: “I want to become Zeko”. A galactic thank you in advance…

And then…we’ll see, but at a time when we’re taking climate disruption and an energy crisis in our stride, why not hope for a more visible movement that we can involve others in and bring benefits to the Lesser Ten. Among the ideas that have already been mentioned, why not :

Other collectives working on the same subject with the same spirit like Les 110, whose website is now online.

Logo of the 110

Major energy companies are joining our approach and are promoting this commitment by offering advantages to Zekomobilists.

Some guidance applications could offer a “Minus Ten” option so that the information/alerts/calculations could take this choice into account, or even offer optimized trips in €/CO2 and not in time.

Some freeway operators offer electronic toll subscriptions to the “Minus Ten”, even at reduced rates,

Eco-driving courses be offered to the “Least Ten”.

Insurers are interested in the approach and offer adapted contracts.

Traders help us in the production and distribution of the stickers.

And finally, that the public does not get used to the idea that “Less Ten” is feasible and that it makes sense with a legislator who will be able to reflect on his reform in a more favorable context.