Kit Zeko CSR

Here we offer you a kit to promote the Zeko CSR Kit approach for anyone in charge of leading an approach in favor of people and the environment within their entity (company, association, town hall, sports club, …) and therefore for example:

  • Corporate CSR Manager,
  • Communication Manager,
  • Team Manager,
  • Business Owner,
  • Club’s Chairman,
  • Deputy CSR Town Hall,
Just like the “Less Than Ten Attitude”, the Zeko CSR Kit is easy to deploy in your collective. So you will discover in this Kit:

1. An A3 poster

This poster gives the essentials of the approach and the links. It can be downloaded below. All you have to do is put your logo on it, print it and put it up on your premises. Note that with the same document, by printing it in A5 format, you can transform this poster into a flyer.

2. A contact email

For CSRs, a dedicated contact email ( to answer your questions and support you. A member of the Collective will respond to your requests as soon as possible and will do their best to advise you.

3. Optional: Sending a first sample of stickers

Before placing a larger order, you can ask us to send a sample of some stickers.

4. A tutorial for your sticker order

A tutorial to directly order the next stickers for your entity. We can also guide you in your order but we promise, it's super takes a few minutes.

5. A speaker for an intervention

The possibility of asking us for a short presentation to your teams in connected mode (Teams, Zoom, etc.). The request is to be made on We just need two weeks notice to release a resource from the collective to you.

And obviously in addition all the resources available on the Zékomobilistes site…including the site itself.

And in the final step to obtain the "Zékomobilisé Label"?

Not easy to pronounce but it’s the reward for all you have just done with a smile…

Concretely, to be able to claim the Zekomobilized Entity Label. All you have to do is demonstrate that you are committed to promoting the Zéko initiative within your entity by:

  1. Effectively promoting the Zéko approach via our Kit by combining, according to your situation and your resources, what makes sense to you:
    • Display of the approach in your premises via the poster,
    • Provision of flyers,
    • Digital dissemination of the approach (intranet, e-mail, e-news letter, etc.) see paper (municipal newsletter, company newspaper, etc.),
    • Order and distribution of stickers for your entity,
    • Organization of an internal event on the Zeko initiative (meeting, breakfast, pitch during a seminar, etc.),
    • And of course, the fact that you recommend the practice of “Less Ten” to the members of your entity.
  1. Then declaring your entity on the site using the “Declare yourself Zeko” page. To identify yourself as an Entity, put the word “ENTITY” in the First name box and the name of your entity in the Name box as in the example below.

Entity egistration for Label

  1. Sending us, once the promotion has been carried out, an e-mail of a few lines with your testimony (in concrete terms, you are telling us about your Zeko initiative) and some attached photos which will be used to validate your commitment. In this email, also tell us if you want to be identified as a “Zekomobilized Entity” and thus:
    • Receive your “Zékomobilized Entity” sticker in which you can insert your logo,
    • Be referenced on our page “They are Zekomobilized”.