Who are we?

At the beginning of this story, during the summer of 2022, a “little frustration” brought together a group of people who shared the desire to act and  convictions on environmental and societal issues. And above all, the pleasure of acting without waiting for it to come from elsewhere… From this group was born a collective initially called “Les Moins Dix” which became “Les Zekomobilistes”. This collective has been pushing for a few weeks a project proposing a passage to action with a smile because, changing  is not necessarily painful, on the contrary, it can be a real pleasure…believe us.


Name of the Collective : Les Zekomobilistes

Slogan: Driving at “Minus Ten” : an immediate gain for the Climate and the Purchasing Power.

Our logo:zeko logo


Our goal: To promote a more peaceful driving style through a personal decision to immediately reduce speed by 10 km/h on roads with speed limits above 90 km/h,  this without waiting for a possible change coming from elsewhere and in order to release an environmental and economic benefit. More classically, the objective of this collective is to use the power of influence of the group to to encourage action in a positive, non-judgmental way, and thus to ensure that our individual actions – relayed and highlighted – are  act as catalysts to move from individual actions to group action with a tenfold impact.

zekomobilistes reduce speed gain fuel


Our project:

1 – To put on line a website explaining this vision in a simple way and allowing people to declare themselves as practicing the “Minus Ten” approach and to create a link between these people,

 2 – Create a visual identity symbolizing the project and allowing its promotion,

3 – Create accounts (Twitter, Instagram,…) to relay this vision, 

4 – To spread the word about this initiative via our networks, our companies or any other channel,

5 – After an initial limited distribution of our sticker, create with partners a real distribution circuit for our stickers, in particular via a kit dedicated to CSR managers,  

6 – Organize a census of “Minus Ten” and reach 10,000 via our website,

7 – Evolve the approach according to the first results and feedback.


Our sticker :

Final sticker diameter 15


Values: Pragmatism, optimism and openness.

Final Tshirt

Number of members: 15 (as of 11/21/2022)

Contact to join us : By the form of the website. Contact – Les Zekomobilistes